Usually reflections on the recent year-gone-by happen under an inky sky illuminated by bright flashes of colored sparks and the sound of clinking drinking glasses harmonizing with the booming of far-off explosions that muffle the otherwise noisy party. However, right now the booming I hear is instead from electrodes doing whatever they do to produce the lightning that is accompanying the sheets of rain inundating everything it can touch, what was otherwise previously dry and more than likely, hot to the touch.
Nevertheless, I can't help but reflect on the past year -
the long plane ride that I was miraculously able to sleep all but an hour of...
the first impression of hot, sticky Chiang Mai as I confusedly tried to find the correct side of the van to enter...
the awkward first time I met the brown-faced girls that I now call my "little sisters"...
the many different travels around the city and Thailand as a whole, seeing the beauty of God in stark contrast to the stomach-wrenching sight of Satan's grip on the lives of so many...
the unsure trip to a neighboring communist country in hopes of obtaining at least a few more weeks allowed to stay in Thailand...
the exhausting weeks of feeling like a 4 year old trying to sound out the alphabet and the headaches that followed...
the moments of sheer frustration when a trip to town for a quick errand turned into a week-long ordeal...
the joy and excitement of participating in a country-wide water fight that left everybody sunburned, sore and exhausted...
the feeling of accomplishment once having a house to call my own and roommates to live life with...
the new friends made from a short-term team from WA and the excitement of seeing my little sisters enjoy the attention from people who had come simply to show them the love of an all-powerful and loving Father...
the many many many mistakes with language and cultural differences and being able to laugh about it through red cheeks and sometimes gritted teeth...
the growing of relationships back in the states despite the time differences and long distance between us...
the lives changed by the grace of God and them moving of His Spirit through those who follow his leading...
the love and acceptance of a family of believers, young and old, tall and short, dark and pale; brought together through the mutual joy of the love that we all received individually and can't help but share with those around.
Through the past 12 months, despite times of joy, anger, frustration, contentment and so many other emotions - God was/is ever-presently showering me with over-abundant gifts. So I thank those of you have been with me through this crazy upside-down year, whether I've known you for many many years, or just last week. I give thanks to God for the life we've been able to share one way or another.
Be blessed in the Gospel alone, and take everything else as our Dad winning you back to himself.
(Photo: Loi Krathong Festival, November 2010)
Is this the lantern festival? Something I have wanted to see my entire life! Beautiful picture, beautiful article. Thanks Ben!