So all plans and endeavors to finish volleyball games or get that one last round of hop-scotch in were abandoned as 41 girls scurried into the dorm in a mad dash of such dark-skinned pigment that most western models would kill for. They slid into the main room and dragged the few peices of furniture together, the little ones stacking plastic chairs on top of each other to see over the heads of those in front in desperate attempts to be able to see the television.

Dark eyes peek over my shoudler as they watch my pen trace marks along the page, curiously trying to decipher their meaing.
This is my life currently, The television trying to drown out the roar of cascading water outside, while I sit surrounded by little girls staring intently at the color-changing glass in front of them. A lazy Friday afternoon spent among the least of these, a million miles away from what I might've ever thought my life would look like.
God is probably still chuckling at the idea of me trying to make plans of my own.
I'd like to think I've given God a few good belly laughs in the nearly 23 years I've been alive; and hopefully I'll give Him a few more before I go and listen to one of His own.
I'm not paying attention to the show, and my thoughts linger elsewhere.... the conversation in broken English and Thai I had with Mama Leah, smiling as she leans over the massive wok, a freshly picked flower pinned proudly on her shoulder that was given her today for Mother's Day. the round smiling face of Supansa peeking through the doorway for the 3rd time asking if I'm finished with what I'm working on and can come play, only 45 seconds between intervals. the date I took a girl on last night, that I think went pretty well. (Hopefully she'll smile to herself if she reads this.) It was the first time I'd ever taken a girl out on a date with her on the back of a motorcycle - something I'll admit I'd been wanting to do ever since seeing how cool Tom Cruise looked in Top Gun when I was a kid. Smiling to myself a little as she gripped a little tighter as we leaned a little further into a turn. (Don't worry mom, we both had helmets and I was case you read this...or her mom does....)
It's a relaxing afternoon which is best spent giving God thanks for the random smiles and all that he's done and is continuing to do.
And then the sun breaks the clouds.
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