Thursday, May 5, 2011

God Juggling

I used to love writing.
I guess I just loved the way I could mold words to fit my purpose and there wasn't any space of time allotted for my response like in a standard conversation. If you pause for too long it can be misread as lack of focus, or boredom, or even downright rude.
Not in writing. The punctuation speaks for itself and gets the point across.

Ask anybody and they'll say their lives are busy; and rightly so, with work, kids, bills and whatever else you're involved in. We're all warned of this from infancy; "enjoy your freedom before you have a job/family/mortgage."
But writing still allows for a break occasionally. The same as reading a good book that actually takes more than an hour to read. Engaging with what is typed as the story progresses. Much the same way a movie can stir emotions and leave you pondering the plot for hours or days after the fact.

I guess what I'm really trying to say, is that I don't know how to live this "missionary life." Taking a day to chill at a coffee shop and write, or read a book hardly counts for "ministry" in my mind. I'm having difficulty allowing myself to have fun that isn't directly related the work I'm being supported to do. When I worked a 9-5, the paycheck that I got bi-weekly was in direct correlation with the amount of time spent obtaining said finances. Therefore the effort invested in the job allowed for life outside work to be lived without troubling the mind. But how do you clock-in and out of ministry?

How do you juggle friends, fun, and God time?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Ben... Definitely know what you mean! It's something I've struggled with as well. I think (hope?) that in time we begin to develop a sense of when we're approaching burn-out. If we're sensitive to that feeling and DO take a break, I think you can last in ministry. Otherwise, I think it'll end up being a short ministry career. Proud of you and praying for you, Ben!

