This past weekend I got to be a part of a success story...
...Last Satuday morning found Matt, ChatChai, several of the older girls and I crammed into the van heading towards a part of the city that the girls hardly ever travel to; the side where multitudes of young men and women throng the many internet coffee shops, cheap eateries and hang outs wearing their matching uniforms that identifies them as college students.
This side of town isn't secluded, nor is it hard to get to; yet the girls from BHJ rarely see this area solely because its not part of their world...yet.
Amporn was one of the the very first Breanna's girl to come here and live outside the walls she had known for many years previous.
Likewise she was the very first to wear the uniform,
first to walk the procession,
first to bow to the headmaster
first to receive the intricately written, stamped and signed DIPLOMA.
And as I watched, trying to pick her out of the large crowd of graduating students, I realized something...
I truthfully couldn't pick her out from the girls who had come from rich families, decent families, broken familes, or no family at all.
However, later on when I finally did pick her out and the buzz of cameras' clicking started anew, I could see something different; and that was her Smile.
She had the biggest smile of anyone around; and all we could do was smile too. Sharing the happiness and joy of this mile (or kilometer) marker was nothing other than the divine moment that a great God had seen coming long before any of us were involved. And I'll bet that it made Him smile too.
I am so excited for Amporn. She is so beautiful. What a testimony for the other girls. I am so proud of BHJ. You are doing precious work there. Those girls are worth it...Love, Auntie Karen