In a recent email with my Dad he quoted a pastor named Darrell Ferguson from a church in Denver who said "our efforts to 'do God's will' are no more than a 3 year-old boy following his father around the house with a plastic hardware belt and hammer asking how he can help with chores. This gives Him pleasure. The only difference is that He actually gives us things to do that make an eternal significant change."
This hit home quite a bit because being so caught up in answering the question of "how can I be most useful and have the most impact in Thailand?" doesn't exactly leave me with the impression of a toddler with his Fisher Price hammer trying to fix the family car's alternator.
But this is exactly where God has me. I have no idea how to stop the sex trade in Thailand, or how to bring about the salvation of so many beautiful, yet lost souls, or even how to negotiate the price of a tuktuk ride if it's not one of the more regularly traveled routes.
However, the delight for both God and I, comes in the attempt. I most certainly am still trying to use a plastic hammer rather than a real one but the end result of progress; success or failure, is only because He's letting me try my strength in the first place.
I'm beyond ecstatic to be allowed to be here and learn Thai, teach English and do everything through the universal language of love, but if it weren't for the Holy Spirit speaking through my immature toys that squeak, it'd hardly be anything but exactly that.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I am not some awesome "missionary" (sounds like a PhD. after my name that I haven't earned) who is charging forth bravely into the unknown for His kingdom.
I'm just some kid who thinks he hears his Dad saying he would love some help with the car. Which happens to be located in Thailand and has a whole mess of problems.
So please pray for the ministry that God has for me specifically would become clear...cuz there is a junkyard full of cars I could help with...and I still only have my plastic tool belt.
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