It sucks. (I apologize for the cable TV language).
But it really does; when you can't find real friends.
Friends that actually stick within a decent proximity to you.
People that are intent on staying close by for longer than a few weeks, or several months at the most.
I'd be lying is I said it doesn't aggravate me when I meet a seemingly-cool guy or girl at church or a random café or restaurant; go through the pleasantries and introductions, realize that they could really be a cool person to get to know - beneficial for both of us...and then the next question is asked and answered....
"How long are you here for?"
And would-be friendships immediately divert into a new facebook the most. These awesome, God-loving, brothers and sisters go into a category with even less depth than the returning customers I used to have while working at Starbucks.
And it sucks.
Don't get me wrong, I have friends here. Deep, meaningful relationships that I'm excited to see grow in the future, but gosh darn it I wish it were easier to make more!
This was kind of a long intro in the real update I was planning to post, but please if you wouldn't mind praying for the opportunity to make more deep and lasting friendships while here.
Another big request I am asking for is this: after being here for just under a full year, and having just about everything settled to be here as long as God would like me to, the big question still remains: what has God REALLY sent me here for?
I am still working at the Breanna's House, still loving being with my little sisters and "family" out there. Still enjoy helping where I can with TheLight and the other small ministries I've been a part of.
Yet, as I continue to work myself out of a job at BHJ, the more time I have to spend seeking God in His direction for my ministry. I don't want to be here coasting in the midst of so much potential and need. So I ask for your prayers and petitions to our amazing God and Father who sent me here in the first place.
That He would lead me into the exact fit that He has for me, a place that will challenge and grow me, but ultimately where His FAME will be most spread and His GLORY be most admired.
P.S. I am still attempting to raise my support level to allow for a modest budget enabling me to plan for the future and the occasional trip back to the states. If you or anyone you know would like to partner with what God has brought me here to do, please contact me or donate online via
with "Joy to the World - Ben Watson" highlighted in OPERATING PROJECT.
Posts with the primary goal of displaying just how powerful/amazing/glorious/awesome/sweet/cool/hilarious (and a million other adjectives) our Heavenly Father is. Seen through the eyes of a hungry 23 year-old, seeking the best in His sight.

Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Missionary Season
The locals call it "Reedu Missionary" (insert falling tone on last syllable).
It's the time when teams come and visit and do building projects, VBSes, Bible studies, and retreats. And while most come and go with a good impact, I still had my doubts about what this month was going to be all about. But yet again, God has shown Himself more than capable of using whatever willingness is offered and producing great things from it.
P.S.S. If you'd like to contribute to my personal funding please visit and select "Joy to the World Thailand - Ben Watson" for Operating Project under the DONATE tab.
It's the time when teams come and visit and do building projects, VBSes, Bible studies, and retreats. And while most come and go with a good impact, I still had my doubts about what this month was going to be all about. But yet again, God has shown Himself more than capable of using whatever willingness is offered and producing great things from it.
I'm not against short-term missions. I mean, without it I would never have ended up where I am now had I not gone on that fateful week-long trip to Shiprock, NM back when I was 15. But with my progression into longer and longer termed commitments, my view for myself has changed into being one to hardly consider myself going to a place unless I have ample time to really meet the people and understand some of their language and make real friendships. But that's not for everybody. Some people are used as quick booster shots and encouragements for those staying long-term. However, some come as more of a hinderance than a help, using the opportunity to see the world or to just build their own faith rather than give it. Thankfully, God saw it necessary to bless us with a team that deeply intended to bless others rather than be built up in their own hearts.
We just had a team of 19 High School students and Chaperones come from Washington state for just under 2 weeks; and even though the work projects they blessed us with weren't extremely essential, the reminder of a larger family of God and plan can never be re-emphasized enough. The girls ADORED the attention they got from the team who came prepared to give themselves out completely until they went home exhausted from the heat, sweat and many tears spent on the last night that everybody had been dreading since day one.
I saw God's love open the hearts of the younger ones who have come from such broken stories I don't think anything but a God who is love could fix. Witnessing Him use the games of volleyball, tag or even paper, rock, scissors to encourage the hearts of both parties involved was evidence enough even had I not been acquainted with both cultures. The team left after days of sweating, painting, building, gardening, more sweating and ultimately loving on the hearts of 41 precious girls and 6 Thai staff who wont't be quick to forget the joy that came with the "super cool Americans."
Thank you very much, Bellevue team for blessing us out here in Doi Saket, the girls already miss you guys a ton and continually ask if I've had word whether or not some of you are coming back again soon.
P.S. If you would like more information on Breanna's House of Joy or sponsoring a girl/local staff for $50/mo. please visit or email me at
P.S.S. If you'd like to contribute to my personal funding please visit and select "Joy to the World Thailand - Ben Watson" for Operating Project under the DONATE tab.
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